by | Mar 19, 2021 | Markets

We have noticed that for some of you this will be the FIRST time participating in a POP UP shop. Even if you are a POP UP shop veteran you may be new to SUNALIA so here are some suggestions to make your experience more fulfilling.

These have been compiled from our research and experience hosting Market / Pop Up type events during COVID 19.

Our Concept:

We have recognized that during this pandemic many businesses may want to have a store front or a space in a mall but this does not allow for mobility and this is quite expensive.
In response to this we have created a three day physical store front. The goal of this is to allow you to create a new touch point with customers and engage with them in a unique way without having to fully invest in a new store or location.

What are shoppers looking for?

Unique services and products, localized assortments, optimal pricing, convenience and a fun experience.


  1. Build Buzz in Advance! Tell all your friends and family about your table and invite them to patronize.
    Think of yourself as a boxing promoter, in the weeks leading up to the pop-up shop. It’s your mission to build as much hype and anticipation around the event as possible.
    First time in a market? Think of this as your Grand Opening!
    Market veteran? Think of this as your blowout Easter Sale!
  2. Use as a point of collection Pre sell products and stop deliveries and pick ups until the dates of the pop up so customers can attend and collect there. It will save you time and allow you make collecting an experience.
  3. Bring Props! Walk with signage or anything else that makes your table interesting
  4. Show Samples, Samples! Let people taste and feel your products. A life time customer is worth much more than an immediate sale.  Show people how your product works.
  5. Tell Give the public your story of your brand (many of you may have sent us a video or write up). Post it up ALL NOW and tag @eeempire @mtirvineresort @popupshoptt and every one else that you can!
  6. Capture interest by handing out business cards, taking a list of interesting customers or finding a cool way to get people to follow your social media pages.
  7. Share a spot or partner with other Brands There is always strength in numbers. Reach out to other brands for giveaways or think of which brands align with yours.
  8. Pop Up Day Is the most important Day For most shoppers the decision to visit will be impromptu so share EVERYTHING you do on your social media accounts. The booth set up, your products, the artwork etc. Tag as many people as possible. Send WhatsApp messages or call friends to come out and check you out!
  9. Keep promoting after the event Pictures and stories are a great way to keep your audience engaged after. Get your favorite pictures from the event and share these with your following!

The objective of a pop-up shop is to give your brand the boost it needs to thrive after the temporary event ends.

Entrepreneur Magazine


  1. Stand and Watch and expect people to automatically show up and buy everything. Each vendor has a responsibility to invite his or her friends / family etc. and if we have 40 vendors, each vendor invites 10 people that would be 400 attendees already!
  2. Don’t Ignore Traditions It is easter weekend! Remember the theme and incorporate it if you can. We strategically will be opening at 12pm allowing ALL food vendors to capture the lunch time audience in their masses.
    Prepare your menu in advance, share it and post pictures of your food online and tag @eeempire @mtirvineresort @popupshoptt and we will repost!
  3. Become a sampling stand Make sure to convert customers by having ways they can purchase or interact with your brand after or even have them take action in exchange for a sample
  4. Have a boring set up Just don’t. do. It.
  5. Don’t forget white space Less may be more when you set up your booth to stand out among the hustle and bustle of everyone’s table set up.
  6. Don’t Ignore the attractions Each day in SUNALIA has different attractions. How can you interact with these? Maybe clothes for the brunch or games for the beach? Think of how your brand can offer something for these. Maybe even a giveaway eg. Best dressed table at the Brunch gets your product.
  7. Don’t forget the basics A dust bin, sanitizer, masks. No one wants to touch your items if they think they will get COVID.
  8. Don’t operate in the dark As this is a SUNSET pop up, you have the privilege of using light to bring out the look and feel of your products. Don’t waste that opportunity!
  9. Don’t feel bad to ask for help Yes you can use your camera phone to get content but maybe this is a good chance to ask that photographer friend to come snap some pictures or reach out to your school mate to bring their friends on Pop-Up day.

According to Melissa Gonzalez, “You have the opportunity for a customer to walk into the lifestyle of your brand.” Whether your budget is big or small, one must keep in mind that every single detail needs to reflect the brand.

We are heavily invested in providing everything you need however our event will only be as good as the vendors in it. We honestly believe in you which is why we admitted you to our market. Let us all do our part and make this the boost our brands deserve!

Sample examples of messaging:
SUNALIA Weekend is coming to Tobago for the FIRST time next month and I’d have a table there. Come experience my set up and tell me what you think about my new (insert product here).

Pass through my make up station and I’d show you how to put on eye lashes in 2mins.

Further reading:
How Pop-Ups are Changing Retail
Pop-up Shop Marketing: a Quick How-to Guide

Pop-Up Shop Planning: 8 Tips to Help Retail Brands Get the Most Out of Their Next Event



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